QuadW Missional Internship

About QuadW Missional Internship

About Our Internships

We provide a transformative missional experience for the intern as they serve relationally where service is needed most and help nonprofits and communities of faith build bridges into their neighborhood.

We will have interns serving in six cities in the summer of 2023, including...

Dallas, TX
Elkhart, IN
Huntsville, AL
Mobile, AL
Nuevo Laredo, MX
Pine Bluff, AR

The QuadW Missional Internship is aimed at helping interns participate deeply in God's mission in a particular context​. This experience helps them to ​grow in their faith, and to ​discern​ God's particular call on their lives. Interns live in Christian community​ and​ serve alongside churches and other ministry partners to meet the needs of marginalized and at-risk populations in ​their​ communities.


(QuadW Handshake Contact: Don Woolley, Please feel free to contact me any time with questions, either from schools or individual students.)



June 2021 - July 2021 Birmingham, AL
“I appreciated the relationships I built while I was there. The people were very committed to their work and were overall genuine people. ”

Missional Intern

May 2020 - July 2020 Little Rock, AR
“I loved Jennifer, my co-ordinator and I loved the people on my team and the experiences we shared. ”
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