Center for Urban Teaching

About Center for Urban Teaching

Our non-profit organization is called The Center for Urban Teaching(CfUT)
Our Purpose
To identify, prepare, and support high performing urban teachers, leaders and schools
Our Vision
To be the number one producer and provider of high-performing urban teachers and leaders.
Our Core Values
1. We are Christ-centered: We believe that our faith in Christ compels us to demonstrate unconditional love, acknowledge a purpose beyond self, and consistently guides our behaviors.
2. We are Relational: We believe in team and family. We serve the person first and the professional connection second through respect, trust, and open communication.
3. We are Joyful: We believe that you choose your mindset. As a result, we embrace risk and face adversity with a reflective and optimistic attitude that is filled with a contagious hope, joy, passion, and energy.
4. We are Courageous: We believe that the educational crisis facing our nation’s urban students can and must be solved; therefore, we operate with a no excuses, do whatever it takes mentality.
5. We are Intentional: We believe that bold leadership requires an unreasonable commitment to what should be. As a result, we remain laser focused on our mission and vision, make strategic decisions regarding opportunities, and refuse to be distracted or pulled away from what God called us to do.
6. We are Dedicated to High-Performance: We believe that teacher quality is the single most important factor in student achievement, and the leader impacts teacher quality. Therefore, we are relentless in pursuing our purpose to improve teacher and leader quality within a data-driven culture.

We seek to recruit undergraduates to intern as lead summer school teachers in Milwaukee through two weeks of training and 4 weeks of teaching. This paid summer internship will give you practical experience while opening a network of opportunities. This past summer 65+ universities were represented with 200+ aspiring teachers making a difference!

Be a change agent with us! Check out our website for more information.


Middle School Special Education Teacher

June 2021 - July 2021 Brown Deer, WI
“Learning instructional skills to better implement classroom material. Building relationships with students, co-workers, and leaders. ”

1st Grade Teacher

June 2021 - July 2021 Milwaukee, WI
“During the extensive two-week training, we learned in a way that I think is unique to a teaching training. For example, we had to learn our what kind of “color” our coworkers were in order to help us in critical conversations. There are only 4 colors and we take a test and that is how we know what we are. ”
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