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Media and Marketing Internship

Seneca Hills Media & Marketing Internship

Are you someone with a gifts in media arts who wants to make a difference this summer? Can you see yourself leading a team of others, capturing and editing games, rock climbing, high-energy services, nature hikes, and more. We're looking for some to create excellent content to share what God is doing at camp. This content is pushed out through our social media accounts. For writers, our writing internship is an excellent way to build your writing portfolio and write a wide variety of content to be used throughout the year. These internships are ideal for digital marketing, communication, photography, film, videography, public relations, English, and advertising majors.

Major Goal:

To advance the purpose of Seneca Hills, this intern will serve in a leadership role as program/adventure media staff in the areas of camp media and marketing and hospitality with Christian ethics and integrity. The Media and Marketing Intern will meet weekly with a member of the Executive Staff member to set and discuss goals and experiences to challenge themselves through their time with Seneca Hills.

Our Goals

1. Encourage students or recent graduates to explore their gifts, potential career interests, and God's call in their lives.
2. Provide a setting with a steady stream of fresh ideas, enthusiasm, accountability, and guidance.
3. Allow interns to observe the fundamentals of good leadership and healthy public communication.
4. Provide a safe place for interns to develop and try new strategies that move our vision forward.
5. Allow students to gain an understanding of how a non-profit operates.
6. Provide interns with an opportunity to develop professional behavior.
7. Allow the student to gain practical insight and understanding into a variety of camp and business operations.


• We believe that students can and should have a strategic role in the ministry.
• We believe that serving others is a high calling.
• We believe in the integration of faith and work
• We believe that we should pursue excellence in all we do.

Duties & Responsibilities


Work with the Program Director to develop a Staff Training Week In-Service schedule that will prepare new Media staff for their duties, including:
Care of equipment
Basic photography/videography skills
Basic video editing skill
Basic SongShow Plus skills
Basic Adobe Lightroom skills
How to use the Wordpress, Vimeo, and other Social Media Sites online photo hosting interface
Throughout the summer, assist Media staff in developing skills in the areas they desire to learn and in areas where you note that learning is necessary for adequate job performance.

Daily Scheduling and Responsibilities

Get copies of the weekly program schedule from the Program Director on Sunday in order to be prepared for the events of the week.
Develop a schedule of daily duties to ensure that all necessary work is completed by the Media Department. (see Media Staff Job Description for a list of Media Department duties).
Develop a “shot checklist” and delegate to the Media Staff ensure that all necessary photos are taken during a given week.
Arrange the schedule such that the Media Staff work in their areas of strength and interest. If a Media Staff member desires to work outside their area of strength, make time to work alongside them and help them to develop their skills.
Fulfill all the duties of a Media Staff member (see Media Staff Job Description for a list of Media Department duties).
Ensure that all Media Staff and the Head Media staff have adequate time off.
Touch base with GLS about personal laptops, network needs, and A/V needs for the week on Sunday afternoon.

Video & Photographs

Capture video footage and photographs of the campers and camp activities throughout each week containing group shots of camp activities, clear faces, and clips from the chapel, bible study, and missions.
Ensure that a cabin photo is taken for every cabin and that every camper appears in a photo at least once in a clear close-up manner.
Transfer video footage and photos to the computer at least twice daily, and edit video when possible.
Where appropriate, edit photos using Adobe Lightroom.
Post current pictures on camp website daily for purchase by parents of campers.
Interview Guest Leadership for the video by Friday morning.
Edit, finalize, and upload to Vimeo by Friday night

Audio/Video Support for Chapel / Missions / Bible Study

Run the song selection program for worship.
Run power point and soundboard for the chapel, bible study, and missions.
Arrive at the chapel with worship team for setting up mics and songs for practice (usually 30-60 minutes before the start of the chapel).

Marketing and Special Projects

Create marketing tools to be used throughout the year, including promotional videos for summer camp and separate staff video.
File a variety of excellent pictures in a “best of the week” folder for each summer camp week to assist in the creation of marketing material including the next summer’s brochure.
Be available to the Program Director for other special projects.

Important Things to Remember

When taking video and pictures, be sure to capture a variety of campers and every cabin to ensure that one or two campers are not the main focus of the video.
When possible, get photos of staff/campers wearing Seneca Hills’ apparel.
Every Sunday check with the Office Manager for media waivers. Do not take video or pictures of campers whose parents have not signed media consent for their child. Be especially careful not to post their pictures on the website.
Begin taking video and pictures for the staff video. Keep a log of who you have taped working in their role throughout the summer.
Maintain and care for all of the media equipment. Report any problems that arise.
Make a log of what equipment the media program has.
Make purchase suggestions for equipment that may be needed.