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Overseas Field Worker

Aid is all about good plans and cool projects, right? Fixing stuff and helping poor and uneducated people? Well, that’s not quite the way we see it. Plans, projects and help are fine, but in our experience, if they aren’t rooted in humility and relationship, plans quickly morph into idealism and help unravels into hurt.

We’ve found that when we live simply, close our mouths and quiet our minds, and share in the experience of those who suffer we gain humility and acquire insights. Good projects and healthy change start with sacrifice and are fueled by authentic relationships. At First Things Foundation, people matter more than plans. We believe beauty will save the world. And the beginning of beauty is the sacrifice of the self. It’s the reason we ask hard working individuals to give up their comfortable existence for two years.

Physical Requirements/Working Conditions:

Here’s the deal. This isn’t luxurious living. We live simply and humbly alongside our neighbors. We sometimes sleep on floors, walk almost everywhere, drink water out of a filter, and occasionally come down with a parasite (or in Africa's case, malaria). This is not your average job or volunteering gig. But if you want an opportunity to learn how to endure discomfort and become profoundly transformed, and help a few folks in the process, this is the job for you.


  • Monthly stipend in addition to general site costs covered (food, housing, internet, etc. — budget is location-based)
  • Transportation costs (flights) to and from your site destination
  • Extensive in-person training
  • Evacuation and medical insurance
  • Anti-malarial medication and mosquito nets provided for Sierra Leone site


  1. A desire to better your soul by undertaking a serious challenge
  2. An adventurous attitude to explore the world and share a meal or drink with people you don’t know
  3. Willingness to learn new languages, make fun of yourself and be made fun of
  4. Our Field Workers have typically completed at least four years of college

You will spend months 0-8:

  • Learning the local and colonial languages (if applicable) (5-10 hours study and tutelage per week)
  • Working one or multiple local jobs with your Immersionship partner(s) (12-30 hours per week)
  • Creating deep, authentic relationships with friends and neighbors through shared drinks and meals (at least once per day)
  • Speaking with FTF’s Director and Field Director (once per week)
  • Writing blogs about your experiences (one per month)

You will spend months 9-24:

  • Facilitating entrepreneurial projects and performing one-on-one consulting services with Impresarios
  • Continuing to build a network of folks who can partner with us, fund us, provide us with additional advice, or just become good friends
  • Creating profiles for our Impresarios to illustrate their ideas
  • Training your replacement Field Worker who will replace you when you leave