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Mining Engineer (Coal Program Lead)

This position serves as the Mining Engineer Coal Program Lead for the Utah Division of Lands and Minerals, Branch of Solid Minerals.
-Provides guidance, including writing Instruction Memorandums and Information Bulletins, oversight of the coal program, coal land use planning, tract delineation, and project National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis.
-Prepares Geologic and Engineering Reports for leasing and lease modifications.
-Prepares Fair Market Value Reports using Income approach (Discounted Cash Flow), Market approach (comparable sales), and/or Cost approach for minerals either sold, leased (includes lease modifications) or exchanged.
-Prepares and presents briefings to Federal agencies, State agencies, and the public concerning the federal coal management program.
-Resolves sensitive issues on complex public land matters related to mineral development.
-Reviews major, unique, or controversial exploration plans, mine plans (Resource Recovery and Protection Plans), engineering reports, and environmental studies to ensure conformance with laws and regulations.
-Coordinates with the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) and Division of Oil, Gas and Mining on mining plans and permitting issues and Utah Geologic Survey on resource information.
-Provides consultation, training, and engineering technical guidance in coal exploration, leasing, development, operation, and Inspection and Enforcement/Production Verification principles necessary to manage the public lands.
-Responds to Congressional inquiries requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), assist with administrative records for court proceedings, and provides information for response to the State Director or Director’s Office.
-Manage and provide direction on geologic and engineering data systems and mining applications such as modeling software to independently determine maximum economic recovery for mine plan approval and production verification.
-Assist the locatable, abandoned mine and salable programs with engineering evaluations as needed.


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