UWM (United Wholesale Mortgage)

Sales Summer Team Member

May - August 2023 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

UWM was an amazing experience for me. I was able to make outbound calls, learn how to sell, have selling competitions, work closely with a mentor, go to leadership meetings and executive board member meetings, participate in volunteering, and host my fundraiser with my summer team member team. There are so many opportunities for growth there, easy to talk to the executive team, have lunch with them, and ask them any questions you may have. It is an open floor layout, where everyone is right by each other, so it is easy to talk to co-workers, ask questions, and learn from others around you. My summer team member team and I were fortunate enough to have lunch with Mat Ishbia, the CEO. I also had lunch with the EVP of Sales and had my parents join me. It was an amazing place to grow my skills, better my mindset, and confidence, and network and grow in connections.

What I wish was different



Be open-minded, ask a bunch of questions, use all the resources provided, be yourself, and try to meet as many people as you can. It is a huge campus and has a lot of perks. Make sure to take advantage of everything offered to you.
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Benefits Summer Team Member

May - August 2023 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I really liked the company culture at UWM. They had an amazing internship program and they even took a professional headshot for me, had me sit in on many important meetings and presentations, and all of the supervisors and managers worked on the floor with everyone else.

What I wish was different

I wish that the first couple of weeks were more productive and that the pay was better.


Meet as many people as you can and gain as much experience that you can, even if you have to work overtime.
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Application Development Summer Team Member

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

Had a great team to work with, specially my mentor that helped me throughout my internship, from assisting me on the summer team member project, to my first user story. Culture in this company is one of a kind, and it was easy to conversate with people.

What I wish was different

Specific software to be installed before hand, but KB pages are a helpful to solve problems if you are missing software.


Shadow as many people as you can, doing this helps you find a place where you will be comfortable working as. Also, engage with your team, request articles to learn from KG pages, or participate in daily stand ups because those are things that are used daily.
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Summer Team Member

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I thought that this program was a fantastic experience, where you are able to develop professional skills, learn a lot about the mortgage industry, and make connections with people throughout the company. The program puts you in a great position to grow by allowing you to take part in meaningful projects and providing you with the opportunity to meet with people in various different areas of the company.

What I wish was different


In order to get the most out of this experience, take advantage of every opportunity that you can. Be proactive in setting up meetings with people that you are interested in connecting with and learning from and take initiative on as many projects/tasks that you can.
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Security Intern

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I liked the care and attentiveness of the leaders in the company, and all the perks that were given through working at such a large company.

What I wish was different

I wish that the STM program would have had more substance, we had one meeting a week and that was about it. Many tasks weren't clear until asking a few times, but that started to stop over time.


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Benefits Summer Team Member

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

Loved the atmosphere and the amazing people I got to work with! I was a part of the wellness team where we focused on the overall health of team members and I got to assist in organizing company sports leagues and tournaments. It was a fun experience because of what I got to do and who I got to do it with!

What I wish was different


Shadow as many people as possible! The great thing about UWM is you can learn from any position in the company, so if you have an interest in something you should check it out. Also, meet as many people as you can. I was in a perfect position to come in contact with so many team members daily and I built relationships with so many amazing people. It truly made me a more outgoing and fun person. Introduce yourself, ask someone to grab coffee or lunch, and just put yourself out there because you never know who you could meet!
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Summer Team Member - Finance

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

The program was great. I learned a lot in my role and also got to shadow many other positions within the company. Everyone here is so kind and helpful!

What I wish was different


I got the most out of my experience by going for it and not holding anything back. Even if it scared me, I met up with people for coffee, I asked questions, and I learned as much as I could.
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Network Operations Center (NOC) Intern

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I liked the community feel of the IT floor, along with the many opportunities we were given (through job shadows) to learn about anything that is done in the company. Everyone I talked to was extremely nice, and there is a wealth of knowledge from multiple people that was shared when I asked questions.

What I wish was different

I wish the department I was placed in was known before my first day. It wouldn't have changed anything, but it would have been nice to know.


Network as much as you can, use the job shadows to get to know more about the corporate world an how the company works, and don't be sacred to ask questions.
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Sales Summer Team Member

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I liked the freedom I had to make this internship what I wanted. Everyday was what I made of it. I shadowed all lanes of business within the company. I attended and participated in all events UWM offered. I felt like I was apart of the industry and everyone was so kind. I had such an amazing and fun summer!

What I wish was different

I wish there was more interactive activities with all the Summer Team members. I think it would have been beneficial for our experience to have more outings with all the Summer Team Members. Therefore, we could get to know students from other universities and majors.


A piece of advice I would share about this experience is to meet as many people as you can. In my opinion, networking is the extremely important. People at UWM come from various backgrounds and you never know who could help you in the future. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
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Underwrting Leadership Intern

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I loved how no matter where you were placed in the company or your degree you could shadow anyone at anytime to learn about different lanes in the business. I also enjoyed how every Tuesday there would be a meeting for all Summer Team Memebers where we would hear from guest speakers from within the comapny and learn what goals we are all working towards as a UWM family.

What I wish was different

Absolutly nothing.


Shadow as many roles as you can becuase it is a chance to see real life applications for your skills and interests rather than basing what you want to do off of your books and studies. I gaurentee you will find a lane of business you had no idea you would be interested in until you shadowed it.
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Public Relations Intern

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I got to work closely with executives and leaders in my field and meet tons of new people because of how large the company is!

What I wish was different

I wish there was more time for the interns to get to network and meet one another so that we know more people when we go back to school or even enter the workforce.


Ask as many questions to as many people as you can, there is always a new person that will have a new experience and you should take the time to learn about that experience if you can.
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Financial Investigations Intern

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

You won't find a more welcoming group of people anywhere. The projects you work on are not just average intern work, they're important, and you can make a legitimate impact at UWM. You have the ability to shadow, and work with any team within the company. This is a great experience for any career field.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to work with Interns from other teams more often.


Take advantage of every possible opportunity you can.
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App Db Dev STM

May - August 2022 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I love how the emphasis is really to learn as much as you can in the time given. Up until this internship i had no CSI work experience, after just 2 and a half months I'm fully confident in returning as a full blown Database Developer.

What I wish was different

I wish the project was an option give to those who didn't have them earlier. A few groups of stms had no project to do all summer but the last 2 weeks of the program we were asked to join other completed project groups. I didn't like the idea of just joining a random group that ls been together all summer just so i could stand on stage with them. If it was offered in the beginning i probably would have done it.


Don't stress, you wont get fired. Just learn things at a pace you can take them in, and try to shadow every position you can. That's the only way one can know for sure what they want to spend their time on.
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Summer Team Member

May - August 2021 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I loved the networking opportunities, the culture and getting to work with other interns.

What I wish was different

I wish our responsibilities would have been more clear in the beginning.


Really make an effort to network with the VP's, if you reach out they most likely will respond.
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Summer team member

May - August 2021 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I loved my work on the Secondary Marketing team and enjoyed my coworkers as well! The CEO is active within the company and you feel appreciated for the work you do. The company encourages you to shadow other teams and move to other teams if you feel it fits you better.

What I wish was different


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Corporate Training Intern

May - August 2021 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

Loved the company culture, the focus on training employees well, and the frequent check-ins with Team Leaders. UWM truly works to help their Interns grow and find a place for themselves here!

What I wish was different

Slightly better pay would have been nice, but it's better than unpaid internships!


Have a growth-minded attitude and be ready to make lasting connections! If you do your best work, you will truly excel at UWM!
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Summer Team Member - Security

July - August 2020 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

The team atmosphere. It was very welcoming and energetic.

What I wish was different

Training and internship structure. Instead of doing “charity week” for the company, I could’ve done an extra week shadowing the analysts which would’ve benefited my career development. Other interns in the specific department that handles events could’ve pulled off the entire charity week.


Make sure the company fits you before committing to an internship.
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Business Development intern

May - August 2019 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I was able to provide an impact for the team.

What I wish was different

Nothing. I had a great experience


Meet as many people as you can.
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Community relations summer team member

May - August 2019 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

It was a very welcoming company for how big they were. You will casually see the CEO walking around and engaging with other team members! This previous summer there was free lunch Fridays. They love to help out the community around them. The summer team members raised over 19k in a week to help support local charities!

What I wish was different


Its a great company to work for. There is many different positions available even though it is a mortgage company!
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Software Development Intern

May - August 2019 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

At United Shore, there isn’t a “corporate culture.” You can talk to anyone from your team leader to the CEO at anytime. I was given actualy software development work to learn and grow in the field of IT. Lots of workplace ammeneties. Everyone is willing to drop what they are doing to help you at any time. Even as an intern, your feeback is valued about anything and you have a chance to really make an impact.

What I wish was different

I wish the recruiting process would have been more structured.


Meet and as many people as you can and network, network, network!
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